Developed by Effective Change for the Municipal Association of Victoria,this resource supports local government’s leadership and work in building inclusive communities. The resource acknowledges local government's role in preventing discrimination and promoting inclusive communities and provides leadership strategies for councils to meet the challenges and opportunities of constantly evolving and increasingly diverse municipalities.
The resource has recently gone into its second print run and has been taken up beyond local government by the Centre for Ethnicity and Health and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission for use in their training.
Active Service Model - PREPARE
PREPARE (the Active Service Model Practice Review and Planning and Reflection Tool) and EXPRESS (the companion tool for smaller agencies and single service providers) was developed by Effective Change for the Department of Health and Human Services when the ASM reform was in its early stages.
Our work translated the theoretical rationale for an ASM approach into a tool for service providers to review their practice and plan changes.
ASM PREPARE and EXPRESS successfully incorporate complexities and subtleties of the ASM initiative whilst remaining engaging and user-friendly for organisations implementing this key policy change.
The tools have recently been updated by the Department of Health and Human Services for electronic use.
Supporting Volunteers to take an Active Service Approach
Supporting Volunteers to take an Active Service Approach Resource Kitwas conceptualised, developed and produced by Effective Change for HACC funded organisations with a volunteer workforce for the City of Boroondara. The kit provides information and training resources to assist organisations and volunteers to understand and implement an active service approach with clients.
The kit guides change management planning and strategies, and provides tools for service providers. The kit also comes with a set of handouts for HACC volunteers which translate the concepts around the active service model into volunteer-friendly information. The handouts can be used flexibly with individual volunteers, as part of informal discussions or as part of an organisation's volunteering training program.
The volunteer handouts have been translated into 13 community languages. The kit has been widely distributed across Victoria.