A sample of our Evaluation Projects...
Evaluation of the Youth Street Teams program Responding to concerns around safety for vulnerable young people in Melbourne’s central business district late at night, the City of Melbourne funded the Salvation Army to develop and deliver a Youth Street Teams program. Teams of volunteers offer practical support and engagement with young people on the street at night. The evaluation examined the activities, outcomes and impact of the teams and identified key success factors and challenges of the model.
Evaluation of the CARTWHEELS Cathedral Ranges ProjectAfter the devastation of the ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires in February 2009, Berry Street with the Royal Children’s Hospital ran a project to assist the Cathedral Ranges community with recovery, and strengthen mental health and social wellbeing, through the medium of visual and performing arts. Artists, schools, local government, health and community services and community were involved in CARTWHEELS. The evaluation focused on the effectiveness of the approach, processes, partnerships, sustainability and outcomes.
Evaluation of JUMP National Mentoring Program for Young and Emerging Artists JUMP, Australia’s first national arts mentoring program for young and emerging artists, was evaluated over a three-year research project. The evaluation for Youth Arts Queensland found that JUMP more than fulfilled its aims – to provide international and national opportunities for street artists to create and present new work, and to work with established leaders in the field.