Arts and Cultural Development Strategy, Maroondah City Council 2014-2018
Arts and cultural development are vital ingredients in achieving the community’s vision for a vibrant and diverse community. This Arts and Cultural Development Strategy, with key themes and actions to celebrate and promote arts and culture, will contribute to the City of Maroondah’s healthy, prosperous and thriving community.
Healthy Ageing Strategy, Moonee Valley City Council 2012-2017
The Strategy provides the strategic direction for Council to support healthy and active ageing and improve people’s experience of ageing. The Strategy incorporates a partnership approach between Council, the community and community service providers with strategic goals for a whole-of-community approach to ageing well in Moonee Valley.
Community Care Strategy, Loddon Shire Council 2013-2017
Loddon Shire is experiencing significant population change with a rapidly ageing population alongside a declining overall population. In Victoria, Loddon is one of the largest municipalities, has one of the oldest populations, is rated highest on socio-economic disadvantage and amongst the highest age-adjusted rates of disability. Loddon Shire Council's Strategy focuses on Aged and Disability Services, but acknowledges that a healthy, active and supportive community for people with disabilities and for people as they age, requires a whole-of-council, whole-of-community approach.