A sample of our Organisational & Service Review Projects...
Review of TRACK OUT Pilot Program
TRACK OUT, an outdoor experience program run by Merri Health , was a new approach to working with vulnerable and/or at risk young people. The evaluation explored the benefits of this approach compared to one-to-one counselling. Data gathered from participants – young people, their families, staff and stakeholders provided an insight into TRACK OUT as a program as well as the impact on participants. The evaluation was successful in capturing views of the young people participating through utilising the photovoice research method.
Review of the University of Ballarat’s Disability Liaison Unit
The Disability Liaison Unit at Federation University Australia has key responsibility for providing support to students with a disability. This review undertook a critique of the role, operations and outcomes of the unit and provided recommendations for strengthening the service response for current and future students.
Business Process Review of selected Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS)
The impetus for the ACAS Business Process Review was to streamline services' transition to e-business, including using an electronic comprehensive form.
The project was designed to improve efficiency and throughput. It involved a review of policies, documentation and data recording, and mapping of business processes at four ACAS services. Staff were consulted through interviews, surveys and workshops. Individual reports and implementation plans were developed for the services, and an overarching report drawing together the common themes and issues was provided to the Department of Health and Human Services.